Massage Chair Tech

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Proper Care of your Massage Chair goes a Long Way

Photo credit: Maria Gloss

Guidelines for Proper Care

So you want to take proper care of your massage chair. When it comes to taking care of your massage chair, certain guidelines would be advised to be followed.

We would advise that

  • the chair only be occupied by one individual
Having multiple people on the same massage chair may ruin the upholstery, or worse, damage the structural integrity of the massage chair. Most chairs may come with a weight limit, so abiding by those guidelines is a great way to keep the structural integrity of the chair intact.
  • Refrain from having pets on the chair
Having pets on the chair, especially those that shed a lot of fur, can cause quite a mess. Fur can get everywhere on the chair by sticking onto the upholstery and getting inside of the chair. This could possibly ruin the mechanisms of the chair eventually, if enough hairs get in and mess with the functionality of the massage chair.
  • Avoid eating and drinking while on the chair
Food and drinks can ruin the upholstery and the internal mechanisms of the chair if things like crumbs or syrupy drinks get everywhere.

For Cleaning

In addition to all of this, cleaning a massage chair also takes dedication and time in order for the chair to last longer. Based on the material used for the chair, there are different suggested cleaning choices, especially for the upholstery.

For example, when cleaning synthetic leather, we suggest that you clean with a damp cloth that has been soaked with a weak detergent then dry the area with a dry cloth. This allows the weak detergent to clean dirt and dust off of the chair without causing damage to the synthetic leather. If you use a strong detergent or vigorously scrub the upholstery, it can cause permanent damage or wear on the chair.

We can make a weak detergent by diluting a small amount of a detergent in a large amount of water.

When it comes to cleaning genuine leather, we suggest that you use a damp cloth to wipe down the area then dry with a soft cloth. It is similar to how synthetic leather should be cleaned and cared for; however, maintaining genuine leather requires additional care. In order to maintain the soft feel of genuine leather, you may need to use a leather oil to prevent it from cracking and drying up. Avoid vigorously scrubbing genuine leather or the use of strong detergents as it may lead to cracking and damage of the leather.

Credits to Monsterkoi on Pixabay
The image above shows leather that is cared for and not cracked.
Credits to riopix on Pixabay
The image above shows leather that is cracked due to drying up.

We always recommend that you take your time when cleaning a massage chair, and that a proper, thorough cleaning happens routinely in order to prevent future damage and wear.

Other Additional Tips

The placement and position of a massage chair in a room is key to also prevent damage and wear. When we are positioning the chair in a room, we want to avoid having the chair under direct sunlight or near hot/cold objects. Direct sunlight can cause damage to the fabric on a massage chair, causing the color to fade and ruin it due to exposure of UV rays. Hot temperatures can warp fabric/upholstery, while cold temperatures could damage the internal mechanism in the massage chair, preventing it from functioning.

We also strongly recommend that the massage chair be placed on a flat and level surface. If there are inclines or inconsistency with the smoothness of the surface, it can potentially cause damage to the surface and the chair. The chair, while in motion, is constantly moving back and forth, so a flat, smooth surface will help prevent damage to the surface.

These are just some of the ways that you could properly take care of your massage chair to help it last you a long time. Following these guidelines can be a good way to allow your chair to stay clean and function properly. We can prevent accidents and damages with just a simple cleaning routine.