Massage Chair Tech

All About Massage Chair Reviews

Chair Talk: Relaxonchair Vita-3D


Bottom line: The Vita-3D is a great step up from their ION-3D chair.

But Why?

Let’s talk about what it has to offer. In the world of massage chairs, it has the general functions of most modern massage chairs; it offers massaging techniques, a variety of automatic programs, a full body air compression system, etc. Besides the usual functions a massage chair has, it (implied by the name) has 3D technology, meaning the back massage rollers will protrude outwards to give massages more depth and produce deeper, more effective massages.

Let’s talk about what it has to offer. In the world of massage chairs, it has the general functions of most modern massage chairs; it offers massaging techniques, a variety of automatic programs, a full body air compression system, etc. Besides the usual functions a massage chair has, it (implied by the name) has 3D technology, meaning the back massage rollers will protrude outwards to give massages more depth and produce deeper, more effective massages.

However, if you’ve kept up with Relaxonchair, you would know that there is another 3D massage chair in their catalog of massage chair models: the ION-3D. Since there are two different 3D models, what makes them different from one another? Well in the way of features, they are pretty similar, but different because the Vita-3D has come equipped with better advances and optimizations in the massage chair industry.

One thing we discovered as a major difference doesn’t really have anything to do with the features, but rather in the build of the massage chair. The Vita-3D uses a latching mechanism to properly secure it completely to the main body of the chair, making the armrests very sturdy and set. Compared to the ION-3D, which uses a bracket and screws to secure the armrest, the actual assembly of the Vita-3D is simpler and ends up being much more secure. This is a product of what advances in the engineering of the massage chair models have done.

In terms of different features, the Vita-3D has a shortcut keypad with a built-in charging pad. As a convenience feature, it’s great to have a place to place your phone while you relax, and the shortcut keys are great for being able to manage functions without actually picking up the remote. Another great feature we noticed was that it had the calves kneading, like on the ION-3D which is a huge plus. However, one of the main limitations on the ION-3D footrest was that it was closed-toed, meaning you couldn’t slip in and out of the footrest. The Vita-3D has an open-toed footrest, and is automatic compared to the spring-loaded foot extension of the ION-3D.

Clearly, advancements in the massage chair industry have been made to make better iterations of massage chair models, and it is proudly on display with the Vita-3D. Finally, we are seeing innovations and improvements in functions and features take shape within the industry. And this has been Chair Talk, where we plan to breakdown specific chairs, and give you our expert opinions on it. Let us know if you’d like a specific chair for us to breakdown, or what you guys think about the direction the massage chair market is headed—we’d love to hear your thoughts.

Photo credit: RELAXONCHAIR
Cost: $3499