Massage Chair Tech

All About Massage Chair Reviews

Why You should Invest in a Massage Chair

Massage chairs are mechanical chairs that are meant to imitate a physical massage from a person. There are various kinds of massage chairs, each with their own styles and functions; the prices of massage chairs cover a wide range from as low as $1000 or below to as high as $10,000 or more. Modern massage chairs typically have similar functions, with airbags and rollers to imitate massage techniques. A few massage techniques commonly found in massage chairs are kneading—rollers moving in circular motions, tapping—rollers drumming forward and back, kneading & tapping—drumming in a circular motion, shiatsu—sharp tapping by pressing further, and rolling—rollers sliding along the back. Airbags are usually at certain points of the body: the shoulders, arms, hips, legs, and feet. These features are great and all, but an important reason why investing in a massage chair is the right decision is because of its health benefits.

Photo credit: Pixabay

1. Reduces stress and anxiety

Coming back home stressed out and tired after a long day to a relaxing massage can really help. Studies have suggested that a massage promotes the simulation of serotonin and dopamine, two hormones that are known for making people feel good, and reduces cortisol, a hormone commonly associated with stress. In today’s modern age, stress and anxiety can build up fast, and can cause serious problems if not dealt with properly. Having a massage chair helps with that; it reprieves people from the overbearing amounts of stress.

Photo credit: Pedro Figueras

2. A good treatment for lower back pain

According to the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, an estimated 75-85% of Americans experience some sort of back pain in their lifetime. People with back pain experience it in different levels of severity from mild pain to chronic pain. Massages are recommended and used for patients and people in rehabilitation with back pain, and can improve mobility while relieving some of the more severe pains temporarily.

Photo credit: Karolina Grabowska

3. Improving blood circulation

Blood circulation is key for getting oxygen around our bodies, and keeping us functioning. Massages can help blood flow to a certain area. A certain function some massage chairs have is the zero gravity positioning; by reclining to keep the body at an even level, it can help with circulatory problems, and relieve the heart of stress, as stress can cause faster heart rates and hypertension.

Photo credit: Kevin Valerio

With these benefits, you can release stress, and enhance your general wellness. Although it doesn’t seem like it, sitting in an office chair day-to-day working can build up a lot of stress, so investing in a massage chair can be a great idea. Think about it: a massage session typically could cost around $75-$100 per hour. Getting massage treatments typically require you to go at a regular routine for massage sessions. Even going once a week, these hour long massage sessions can cost up to at least $3900. Investing in a $2000-$3000 massage chair could break even within a year of use, and most massage chairs are built to last longer than one year. On top of that, it’s at the convenience of your time and home: no appointments for sessions and within a comfortable environment. The convenience of a massage chair and its health benefits are some of the reasons the massage chair market has been on the rise as of late.

Photo credit: David McBee

However, we would not recommend purchasing a massage chair if you do not plan to use it regularly, like at least once a week or more. A massage therapy routine works best with regular use, so if you don’t plan on using it often, we would not recommend it. All massage chairs, even the cheapest of the bunch, cost a couple hundred to thousands of dollars; dropping a lot of money for something that isn’t going to get much use is definitely not worth the investment.

Photo credit: Pixabay

In conclusion, if you are having pains or need stress relief, a massage chair is a great investment. It has various functions in order to appeal to your needs, whether they are pains or stress relief. It’s expensive, but regular use can make it worth it. There is no hassle of making appointments and going anywhere because it’s happening in the convenience of your home/office. But do your research, and discover what massage chairs might best fit you. However, there is one thing certain; you can not go wrong with investing in a massage chair.