Massage Chair Tech

All About Massage Chair Reviews

Chair Talk: D.Core Cirrus

Photo by D.Core

Bottom Line: It’s a great chair, and a great outlook on the massage chairs to come.

Let’s chat.

What makes the D.Core Cirrus a great model? Well, it has just about everything you might want in a massage chair nowadays. From auto functionality to calf rollers, this chair has a variety of features that everyone needs. In addition to this, the elegant design allows this chair to fit right in your home/office. And to be honest, we thought this chair would be like any of the other chairs out in the market right now, making this review seem subpar due to a price tag of $8500.


We found out one thing quickly: it has arm rollers. As far as we know of, this is the first chair to have arm rollers, which can be a huge game changer for many buyers. Having arm rollers, in conjunction with airbags, increases blood flow for promoting healing, and relieves tight muscles. Considering that many people suffer some kind of pain in their wrist or forearm, or that people work those muscles on a daily basis, the arm rollers are a huge innovation for the massage chair market, meaning more research and development will take place for designing even better arm rollers, and future models will have more affordable designs that implement arm rollers. Because of this, the D.Core Cirrus is seemingly a game changer amongst the massage chairs in the market currently, and can be the reason why many buyers will decide to purchase it.

So yes, we like this chair because its the first of many future models that will feature arm rollers, which is a main point of contention for what massage chairs lack. However, how long until it makes its way into more decently priced models, we do not know. But the thought that this chair is bringing about a new innovation is exciting! This has been Chair Talk, where we plan to breakdown specific chairs, and give you our expert opinions on it. Let us know if you’d like a specific chair for us to breakdown, or what you guys think about arm rollers—we’d love to hear your thoughts.