Massage Chair Tech

All About Massage Chair Reviews

Chair Talk: Osaki OS-Monarch

Photo by Osaki

If you came here for the bottom line answer, here it is: it’s a great chair to buy.

But of course, you want to know.. why? What makes this chair a great chair? Why choose the Osaki OS-Monarch compared to other massage chairs? Well, here, we’ll be breaking down why this chair is so great in our eyes.

The Model.

The OS-Monarch is priced at $2999 on Amazon, which is a fairly decent price on a massage chair model. At this price, we can expect that it contains a 3D roller system as its main focal point. And well, the chair does indeed have that.

In addition to its 3D system, the massage chair also comes equipped with many common massage chair features such as lumbar heating, zero gravity, and 9 automatic programs with adjustable timing. With 24 air cells located on the massage chair to massage everything, this massage chair does a lot for what it’s priced at.

And that is the main reason why we believe this massage chair is a great buy—it has essentially everything most people desire in a massage chair. With 3D technology, users can get deep tissue massages. It allows for full customization of massages, and still provides automatic programs for anyone to enjoy. While it has all this, it still brings more to the table with heating and air compression, with convenience features like Bluetooth speakers and space-saving. So why pay double for a different massage chair that provides the same things when the OS-Monarch provides all that for 3-thousand. Even if breaking down or malfunctioning was an issue here, there is still a 3-year warranty, which is more than enough time to discern whether or not the chair is a defect.

So again, the bottom line is the Osaki OS-Monarch is a great chair to buy, but of course, you should make up your own opinion. Do your diligence in research, and maybe we’ll come to the same conclusion—who knows? This has been Chair Talk, the series to talk about chairs and breakdown its points.

Photo credit: Osaki
Brand: Osaki
Cost: $2999