Massage Chair Tech

All About Massage Chair Reviews

Sit On It: The Footrest

massage chair footrest
Photo by Titan

Hey! Welcome back to the 6th installation of our series Sit On It, where we’re gonna take a look at a massage chair feature, and break it down for you. This week, we’re talking about the footrest, and how it’s being altered to greatly increase the massage experience.

The Footrest

The footrest of a massage chair typically has separate air cells for both the calf and foot. It also will usually have rollers for the sole and/or calf. When it comes to receiving a massage, not a lot of the attention is placed on the legs; even though, we use our legs on a constant basis everyday. Recently, many brands have looked towards the legs, and approached the footrest with a new angle.


In order to produce more massage elements into the footrest, the air cells of the footrest have been changed. The calf air cells have small motors that will move against the opposite air cell, creating a rubbing technique that of which is similar to kneading. The foot portion of the footrest has also been improved upon. There are now tons of air cells located at the foot—air cells specifically for your ankles or toes. On top of all of this, things like rollers and heating have recently been added to provide a greater massage experience for the legs.

Now let’s take look at how everything that we’ve covered has created a better massage experience. With the addition of heating and rollers, the footrest—to a certain extent—does what the massage chair aims to do to your back and body. Having kneading air cells and rollers aplenty makes the massage of the footrest no longer just air cells that inflate. The legs are getting massaged with the same vigor and effectiveness like the rest of your body, because brands are now beginning to understand how important a leg massage is to the rest of the body. There’s only one way to really tell that difference, and it’s to Sit On It.

Thanks for reading! This series is aimed at tackling popular massage chair features, and breaking down what they do for you during a massage session. In doing so, we hope we can bring some insight as to how a massage chair will utilize various features to produce an effective, powerful massage. We’ll be back again soon, so stay tuned!