Massage Chair Tech

All About Massage Chair Reviews

Sit On It: Wrapping Up the Back

massage chair wrapping up
Photo by Inada

Hey! Welcome back to the 5th installation of our series Sit On It, where we’re gonna take a look at a massage chair feature, and break it down for you. This week, we’re wrapping up everything that we’ve talked about so far, and how it all works together.

How it all works

Imagine yourself in a massage chair getting a massage. You’re reclined back due to the zero-gravity function. Its relieving the stress on your spine and back that gravity has put on it by dispersing the pressure across the body. The massage mechanism works on your back, constantly kneading and tapping away at your muscles. And it feels relaxing for two reasons: it’s finally loosening up your muscles, and relieving pain from your lower back.

There’s a heating sensation coming from the lower part of the back cushion. The heating function is able to warm up your muscles, which is used to help improve flexibility and loosen up muscles. With loosened up muscles, the massage mechanism is able to massage even more effectively, further promoting healing of muscles and blood circulation. Speaking of blood circulation, the air cells are working wonders on your arms and thighs. It feels tight when it squeezes, but eventually that air pressure decreases, letting blood flow improve. With blood flow being improved, nutrients and oxygen flow has been improved, which promotes healing and pain relief.

The massage finally ends, but you feel much lighter. There’s a spring in your step, and you wonder how a simple massage did wonders for you. It’s strange, but now you know what that massage has done for you. A massage can do wonders for you, and this is just a few of the features that massage chairs have. We focused the first few on how it helps the back, but if you’re still doubtful, just try and Sit On It.

Thanks for reading! This series is aimed at tackling popular massage chair features, and breaking down what they do for you during a massage session. in doing so, we hope we can bring some insight as to how a massage chair will utilize various features to produce an effective, powerful massage. We’ll be back again soon, so stay tuned!